Embracing Life’s Shifts: A Guide to Navigate Transitions with Confidence
Discovering Clarity and Purpose in 7 Steps
“Many people resist transition and therefore never allow themselves to enjoy who they are. Embrace the change, no matter what it is; once you do, you can learn about the new world you’re in and take advantage of it.” — Nikki Giovanni
There aren’t many people that welcome change. Instead, most people ease into a comfort zone and prefer to stay there. That is, until something outside their control shakes them enough to pay attention and wake up to the question, “Is this what I truly want?”
It begins with an inkling, a whisper, a gentle nudge…
Something is calling you to something more, but you’re not sure what that is, or maybe you know, but you’re not sure how to get started.
This is the first sign that change is coming.
Whether you’re ready or not or fully conscious of it, you’ve stepped again into the flowing river of life, and nothing is the same as before.
You are on the cusp of a transition.
Transitions are invitations to grow and evolve.
It takes a while to notice when you are in transition. The signs are subtle at first.
Maybe there’s impatience with someone or something in your life?
It could be that you begin to feel an undefined uneasiness.
Sometimes, a sense of dissatisfaction with work or life creates confusion because, on the surface, everything seems the same.
But it’s not.
Something inside you is moving, calling you to make a change.
Change seems scary, but what makes it so uncomfortable isn’t the change.
It’s the resistance to change that causes discomfort. (#aliciaisms)
The first phase of a life transition should be creating space for deep reflection to connect to what is buried within you that is calling to you. You need stillness to do the internal work before you do the external work of planning your change.
If you are experiencing a sense of change or transition and feel stuck and unsure of how to step into a different future, intentionally use these 7 steps to move through the transition with grace and ease. Get support to help you understand what is happening in your life.
You would think this was obvious, but it’s not. It is the number one reason people are stuck in their current situation. They haven’t decided to change their lives intentionally. Without that firm decision, that big YES! nothing will change. You’ll stay stuck exactly where you are.
I’m not going to kid you. It could be tough for a while, at least until you release your anxiety and your fearful “what ifs” and allow yourself to flow with the energy. Noticing where your energy wants to go and courageously following it will get you moving toward your dreams and goals. When you commit to your dream, you are meeting resistance head-on. Speak that commitment out loud, tell your friends, write it down, and when things get difficult, remember why you committed to changing your life.
Hope is not a strategy.
Without a plan, you will deplete your energy and do things that don’t serve your new life. Everything is a sparkly new thing, drawing your attention away from what matters most. Your plan must align with your commitment, be strategic, and move forward with every step, even if only a bit. Some life transitions take years to complete, but that’s fine. Every day you do something to build a new life is a step forward.
4. ACT
No bellybutton gazing allowed. You will feel more confident acting on your dream after completing the first three steps. Without action, there is no movement forward. You should strive to do one thing, no matter how small, every day toward achieving your dreams. A helpful tool to keep you focused is a planner or benchmarks to maintain your momentum and keep you moving forward. Hiring a coach to support you will keep you on track and give you moral support when you need it.
Development is iterative, not linear. You may go down one road only to find that this part of the road doesn’t serve you. There are no mistakes, only detours that will eventually lead to what suits you. It can be trial and error while you experiment with changes and new ways of approaching your life. Don’t worry. It’s part of the process.
Make sure you acknowledge your progress and achievements. When you reach a target date or benchmark, celebrate. Maybe it’s a massage or a weekend trip. Whatever keeps you motivated is useful.
Little celebrations are necessary to keep you motivated. Once you’ve achieved your goal, be sure to celebrate. It doesn’t have to be a party. When I finally moved to Portugal in December 2020, I treated myself to a nice dinner in Lisbon at a restaurant whose owner I had met. It helped me feel at home in a new place. Nothing flashy. It was all about connecting to my new life.
My Invitation to You
Start now.
What do you need to decide? That is the first step. Find the stillness that will lead you to the decision. Once you have made your decision, write it down. Then, follow the steps, writing all the elements into a planner or journal. Don’t pressure yourself with the need to move fast. It will happen in its own time if you take one step at a time and are consistently doing one thing a day to move forward.
If you need support, find me at my website and consider a Becoming Limitless Experience or a shorter Pause with me in Portugal. The results speak for themselves.
Alicia M. Rodriguez is a writer, storyteller, and catalyst for personal growth. In December 2020, she moved to Portugal from Ecuador, ready for new adventures. Living in different cultures has been a passion that feeds her curiosity about what connects us. It is the basis of her storytelling and writing, where she shares her thoughts on living an awakened and conscious life. People come to Portugal to work with her in private curated retreats and small groups. Her mission is to empower people to embrace limitless possibilities and forge powerful futures.
Her memoir, The Shaman’s Wife: A Mystical Journey of Surrender and Self-Discovery, will be published on September 10, 2024. For Updates and special events and to read a chapter of her book, visit her author page here.